Philabundance Virtual Town Hall

How Philabundance Partners to Feed Its Neighbors



Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic one year ago, Philabundance has faced countless challenges procuring adequate, nutritious food to meet the increased demands of the community. The current climate differs from where we were 12 months ago, but challenges remain. Join Philabundance and some of our most valued partners to learn about the innovation and collaboration that have made us successful in our work to feed and support those in need during the pandemic and how we plan to continue our efforts.

Speakers include Melanie J. Cataldi, Kait Bowdler, Jane Maly, Bill Novick and Megha kulshreshtha.


Rising Food Insecurity



The COVID-19 pandemic has had a serious impact on food insecurity in the region, an already troublesome issue for Philadelphia, America’s poorest big city. Our partner agencies are reporting a 60% increase in the need for food. Philabundance’s efforts to address this demand have necessitated many adaptations to our approach to relieve hunger now. This rise in food insecurity, coupled with the lack of secure employment for so many people has also highlighted the timeliness of our work to end hunger for good. Join us for a presentation from Philabundance leaders, Loree D. Jones, Stacey Behm and Melanie J. Cataldi on what they have seen over the past year and how Philabundance is working to drive hunger from our communities.

Speakers include Philabundance leaders, Loree D. Jones, Stacey Behm and Melanie J. Cataldi


Service and Leadership



Join us for a special interview with Philabundance CEO Loree D. Jones on her experience joining the organization at the height of the COVID19 pandemic and during a period of civil unrest and economic recession for our nation. In a conversation with Philadelphia Inquirer Metro Columnist Jenice Armstrong, Loree shares how she imagined her experience versus its reality. She talks about what she and her team have learned over the past six months and highlight how Philabundance has used the challenges posed during her tenure to create opportunities to get the right food to the right people at the right time and place. Loree discusses her vision for Philabundance as she leads the staff to meet the continued challenge of the pandemic and a downward economy.

Speakers include Loree D. Jones, Chief Executive Officer at Philabundance and Jenice Armstrong, Philadelphia Inquirer Metro Columnist


Ending Hunger For Good



Our country is facing some of the most significant societal challenges in its history. Decision-makers are weighing economic cost against people’s health and well-being, with the most vulnerable members of our society at even greater risk. The pandemic and resulting economic downturn have exposed America’s deep-rooted social injustices and racial inequities. Join Philabundance and our partners as we discuss how innovative cross-sector collaboration can create long-term solutions to ultimately end hunger and create a better quality of life for all of us.

Speakers include Melanie Cataldi, Chief Impact Officer at Philabundance; Stuart Hean, Director of Commercial Leasing at Shift Capital; and Bilal Taylor, Senior Program & Policy Analyst at the National Institute of Policy & Prevention at Nemours Children’s Health System. Moderated by Dr. Jonathan Ellen, Former President, CEO and Physician-in-Chief at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL. Co-chair Philabundance Ending Hunger For Good Advisory Council.


Workforce Development



Join us for an important discussion on the impact of workforce development programs on poverty in Philadelphia. We are especially grateful to moderator Inga Saffron and our panelists, Candace Matthews-Bass, Pam Carter and Jeffrey Booth for lending their expertise to the conversation.

This week’s discussion underscored the importance of partnerships and working as a community to fight hunger and end poverty in our region.


Addressing Child Hunger During COVID-19



When so many children rely on free or subsidized meals at school, how do we address child hunger in an era of virtual learning? Learn more about how we’re tackling the challenges presented by COVID-19 and working with local and federal agencies to provide stability to families throughout our region, ensuring that no child goes hungry.

Moderated by Sara Hertz, Chief Development Officer, Philabundance, and featuring Kimberly Parker, Senior District Manager, Preferred Meals; Erin Cassar, PhD, Senior Research Associate, School District of Philadelphia, Office of Research and Evaluation; and Lauren Nocito, MS, RD, LDN, Director of Nutrition Education, School District of Philadelphia.



Addressing Senior Hunger During COVID-19



How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted senior citizens’ ability to get the healthy foods they need? Our discussion takes a look at the unprecedented health and food access challenges seniors face.

Moderated by Sara Hertz, Chief Development Officer, Philabundance, and featuring Amy Goldstein, MPH, RD, LDN, Nutrition Manager for Philadelphia Corporation for Aging; Jodi Roth-Saks, Executive Director of the Jewish Relief Agency; Portia Kamara, MSW, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Multicultural Family Services; Vickie Rossi, Government Programs Coordinator at Philabundance; and Loree D. Jones, Chief Executive Officer at Philabundance.

Addressing Child Hunger During COVID-19



When so many children rely on free or subsidized meals at school, how do we address child hunger in an era of virtual learning? Learn more about how we’re tackling the challenges presented by COVID-19 and working with local and federal agencies to provide stability to families throughout our region, ensuring that no child goes hungry.

Moderated by Sara Hertz, Chief Development Officer, Philabundance, and featuring Kimberly Parker, Senior District Manager, Preferred Meals; Erin Cassar, PhD, Senior Research Associate, School District of Philadelphia, Office of Research and Evaluation; and Lauren Nocito, MS, RD, LDN, Director of Nutrition Education, School District of Philadelphia.



Introducing Philabundance CEO Loree D. Jones



Join us as we proudly welcome Loree D. Jones as our new Chief Executive Officer at Philabundance. Loree’s career stands out because of her innate ability to foster collaborative partnerships that directly benefit the communities she serves. This town hall illustrates her work philosophy, and the discussion takes a specific look at how partnerships are vital as the Philadelphia area navigates the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout.


Moderated by Niki Hawkins, Vice President of Community Engagement at WPVI-TV 6ABC. Presenters include Loree D. Jones, Philabundance Chief Executive Officer; Cynthia Figueroa, Deputy Mayor of the City of Philadelphia; Kate Houstoun, Managing Director of Capacity Building at the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey; and Sara Hertz, Chief Development Officer at Philabundance.


On the Front Lines: A Chat with Philabundance Hunger Heroes



How have the needs of our community changed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic? Hear from our network of partners to learn more about the neighborhoods they serve and the work you’re supporting. Our agency partners have firsthand knowledge of ways the pandemic has impacted families in our region, and they share powerful stories about the people we are helping together.


Moderated by Niki Hawkins, Vice President of Community Engagement at WPVI-TV 6ABC. Presenters include Philabundance staff Sara Hertz, Chief Development Officer; Emily Glick, Manager of Agency Relations; and representatives from our agency network.


Philabundance Community Kitchen



The need for the work of Philabundance has never been greater than today, facing a pandemic and increased food deserts as a result of events over the past several weeks. A critical part of this effort is the team dedicated to creating a long-term impact and ending hunger for good in those same communities through the Philabundance Community Kitchen (PCK).


Designed for adults who have faced significant personal challenges, PCK provides free, professional-level culinary training, life skills development and retention services for two years post-graduation. PCK provides the tools for self-sufficiency and a second chance at life.

Learn about how PCK is working to meet the increased demand for food today and how the overall program allows us to help move people out of hunger for good.



What If There Were No Philabundance?




Securing food to feed communities throughout our region is only half the battle—we need to get it into the hands of those we need it most. Learn more about our extensive network of agency partners, and how they’re helping us fulfill our mission to end hunger today.


Presented by Philabundance staff Melanie Cataldi, Chief Impact Officer and Stacey Behm, Chief Program Officer



Finding Food When There Isn’t Any: How Philabundance is Feeding Our Neighbors



The COVID-19 outbreak hasn’t just impacted our distribution efforts at Philabundance, it’s exposed weak spots in the food industry supply chain that have drastically impacted our operations. Learn more about we typically rescue and secure food, and how we’ve pivoted in the wake of this crisis.


Moderated by Maria Maggio, VP and General Manager, Food Trade News and featuring Phil Ginterreiter, Deputy Director, Food Acquisition at Philabundance; Kait Bowdler, Director of Sustainability at Philabundance; and Larry Walker, President, Balford Farms and a member of the Philabundance Food Advisory Council



Update on COVID-19 Activities



As more and more families feel the economic impact of COVID-19, we’re feeding people who have never needed to turn to a food pantry before. Learn more about our operations, and how we’re adjusting to meet the growing need in our communities, serving more households than ever.


Presented by Philabundance staff Kait Bowdler, Director, Sustainability; Jess Wyckoff, Deputy Director, Ending Hunger For Good; Kate Scully, Director, Government Affairs; and Laura Schepps, Chief Financial Officer.

Running a Successful End of Year Donation Campaign to Fight Food Insecurity

Running a Successful End of Year Donation Campaign to Fight Food Insecurity

There’s something about this time of year that just puts people in a charitable mood. It could be the holidays,…
Tips for Running a Successful Food Drive

Tips for Running a Successful Food Drive

Looking to make a positive impact in your community? Consider focusing on addressing food insecurity. With food insecurity affecting every…
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Since food insecurity is an issue faced by individuals in every single ZIP Code in the country, by giving to…