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Volunteer Your Voice

Join us to build a movement to end hunger – use your voice to advocate for programs that relieve hunger today and end hunger for good. Legislators need to hear the message loud and clear:
no one should go hungry.

What is advocacy

In the most basic sense, advocacy is speaking up about something you believe in, in the hopes of improving a situation for yourself or others. At Philabundance, advocacy includes educating, engaging, and mobilizing our elected officials and community around important policy issues that impact our mission.

why advocacy matters

Advocacy is a powerful and effective tool in the movement to end hunger.

Most food assistance in this country comes from the government in the form of SNAP, school meals, and other nutrition programs. Learn more here. Food banks like Philabundance rely on federal and state investments in critical anti-hunger programs like TEFAP, SFPP, and CSFP. Our Government Affairs team works to educate legislators on the need to protect and expand these vital programs to ensure that no one goes hungry.

However, we cannot do it alone. Everyone has something to bring to the table in the fight against hunger. Your voice, perspective, and expertise matters!

Sign Up To Receive Advocacy Alerts

how to get Involved

Questions or ideas? Connect with us at advocacy@philabundance.org

Find your Elected Officials

Your elected officials represent YOU – learn who they are and how to contact them.

Sign up to Receive Advocacy Alerts

We’ll email you when the most critical actions are needed and let you know how to help.

Explore our Advocacy Toolkit

Learn tools and strategies that will help you become an effective advocate in your community.

Take Action

Learn more about Our Impact and help spread the word to end hunger for good.

Find your Elected Officials

Your elected officials represent YOU – learn who they are and how to contact them.

Explore our Advocacy Toolkit

Learn tools and strategies that will help you become an effective advocate.

Take Action

Learn more about Our Impact and help spread the word to end hunger for good.

Resources AND Downloads

Advocacy Toolkit

SNAP Advocacy Booklet

Farm Bill Policy Priorities

PA SNAP Increase Toolkit

SNAP Increase Fact Sheet

Philabundance's Food Waste Policy Priorities