Letter From Glenn – Spring 2018

Dear Friend,


My mother is 99 years old. We’re fortunate that she can collect social security and has other savings to sustain her. Many seniors aren’t as fortunate…


Each week, Philabundance serves about 13,500 seniors in nine counties in PA and NJ. Too often we hear stories about people on fixed incomes who have to decide whether to pay for food, heat or medicine.


Every month, volunteers help us put together about 5,000 boxes of “commodity” foods from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that are then given to seniors in need. While it’s definitely a help, it’s not enough to feed all of the hungry seniors in our area.


Last June we began providing a box of food that requires no income qualifications or difficult applications. The “PantryBox” helps fill the gap for seniors who are on the waiting list for USDA boxes.


With your continued support, we hope to expand the PantryBox program to provide food for any senior who needs it throughout our region.


As you read this issue of The Feed, you’ll see true stories of seniors who’ve been able to get help, thanks to your support. You’ll also read about our growing partnership with the Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market (PWPM), where we’ve been rescuing perfectly good produce with the help of volunteers each Friday morning.


None of what we do would be possible without the generous support of dedicated individuals, like you. Thank you for your partnership as we work to reduce food waste and end hunger for our neighbors!





Glenn Bergman
Executive Director

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