Building a Better Future for PCK

You’re getting a glimpse of the progress we’ve made as of May 21 at the Philabundance Community Kitchen (PCK) construction site. Located on the 2200 block of North Tenth Street, PCK is our culinary arts and life skills training program for low-to-no income individuals.


When the new facility opens this summer, we will have the space to double the number of students we train each year. We will also be able to host events in the new space, including our inspirational PCK graduation ceremonies.

Food Rescue: Questions and Answers

Food Rescue: Questions and Answers

Ever heard the term food rescue? It’s one that’s near and dear to us here at Philabundance. In fact, we…
Evaluating the Most Effective Charities Before Donating

Evaluating the Most Effective Charities Before Donating

The decision to donate to a local non profit organization such as a hunger nonprofit is a noble one, but…
Running a Successful End of Year Donation Campaign to Fight Food Insecurity

Running a Successful End of Year Donation Campaign to Fight Food Insecurity

There’s something about this time of year that just puts people in a charitable mood. It could be the holidays,…