Advocate Your Voice

Advocacy helps the fight against hunger

Effective advocacy is a time-tested method to empower nonprofits like Philabundance to help shape the public debate on significant social issues and ensure that our underserved communities have a voice in the policies that impact their lives. It is a powerful and vital tool in our effort to end hunger for good.  


As inflation and the rising costs of food, housing, and utilities continue to impact the nine-county region we serve, individuals and families continue to struggle to put nutritious food on the table.  


During this challenging time as our communities struggle to make ends meet and as food banks are stretched thin, we urge the United States Congress to protect and strengthen anti-hunger programs. 


At Philabundance, our advocacy includes educating, engaging, and mobilizing our elected officials and community around policy issues that impact the people we serve.  


However, we cannot do it alone. Everyone has something to bring to the table in the fight against hunger. Your voice, your perspective, and your expertise truly does matter. There are several ways you can help us advocate.  



Most food assistance in this country comes from the government. Food banks like Philabundance rely on federal and state investments in critical anti-hunger programs to provide food to people facing hunger. Our Government Affairs team works diligently to educate legislators about the need to protect and expand these vital programs to ensure that no one in our community and beyond goes to bed knowing how they will get their next meal. 

  • Visit Feeding America to learn more about federal food assistance programs, including eligibility and how to apply if applicable.  
  • Visit Hunger Free PA to learn more about state programs that fight hunger in Pennsylvania.


Find your elected officials: Your elected officials represent YOU – learn who they are and how to contact them.  


Sign up to receive Advocacy Alerts: We’ll email you when the most critical actions are needed and let you know how to help.  


Explore our Advocacy Toolkit: Learn tools and strategies to be an effective advocate. 


Share your experience: Philabundance works to elevate the voices of community members to influence lawmakers, so please, tell us how we can help you.  


We thank you for joining our mission to end hunger now and hunger for good.

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