We Did It – No SNAP Cuts!

No SNAP cuts - Farm Bill

By Kate Scully, Director of Government Affairs




Over the last year I know that we have come to you many times to talk about the Farm Bill. We have been working hard to protect the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) which is included in the Farm Bill. We know that SNAP is critical to addressing hunger in this country and while food banks, like Philabundance, do amazing work, we cannot make up for the reach of SNAP if it’s cut at all.

Well, I am pleased to write to you today to let you know that we did it — we protected SNAP! The Farm Bill passed and it does not include the harmful cuts or restrictions to the program that were proposed. The program virtually remains unchanged for recipients. In this political climate, that is a huge win and something we should all be proud to have taken part in.

Every phone call, email, meeting, op-ed and conversation helped so I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for staying informed and helping us spread the message that hunger is not acceptable.

There will be more fights ahead, as we need to do more to end hunger, but for now we should take a moment to appreciate that our voices were heard!


All the best,


Director of Government Affairs

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