2020 Voter Information

Due to COVID-19, Philabundance has seen more families than ever struggling to make ends meet and put food on their table. Our agency network has seen up to a 60% increase in people lining up for food.

This election day, you have the power to help feed America. Your vote can help decide the future of crucial programs that provide food assistance, guarantee that kids get free and reduced-price school meals, and ensure that ending hunger is a priority for lawmakers.

Below is information about voting for both Pennsylvania and New Jersey:




Voter Information: Details about voting can be found at Votespa.com.

Voter Registration: The deadline to register to vote is October 19. You can check your registration status at Votespa.com and register to vote at PAVoterServices.pa.gov.

Voting with a Mail-In Ballot: You can request a mail-in ballot on the PA State website. Ballots can be dropped off in person up until 8pm on November 3rd. If you’re mailing your vote, it should be postmarked ideally by October 19th.

Voting in Person on Election Day: Polls are open on Election Day (November 3) from 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. Find your polling place online.

Philadelphia Residents ONLY: Early in-person voting can be done at any main or satellite Philadelphia County Board of Elections Office.

These offices will also allow voters to register, if needed, request a mail-in ballot, and vote via mail-in ballot all at the same location. In addition, voters can bring already voted ballots, making the satellite offices also a drop-off location. Any voter can utilize any PA satellite offices throughout the city.


New Jersey:


Voter Information: Details about voting can be found at NJ.gov/state/elections/vote.

Voter Registration: The deadline to register is October 13. Check your voter registration status, or if needed, register to vote online.

Voting with a Mail-In Ballot: All registered voters in NJ will automatically receive a mail-in ballot this year. If you received yours already, there is a handy step-by-step guide to help you fill it out. All ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 3 and received by county election boards by 8 p.m. on Nov. 10 — a week after Election Day. Mail-in ballots can be mailed in via USPS, handed to a poll worker on Election Day or delivered to your county board in a secure drop box.

Voting in Person on Election Day: You can still vote in person on Tuesday, November 3rd. Polling and drop-box locations can be found on the NJ Voter Portal. Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Your vote is powerful and we hope you will take the time to exercise that right for this upcoming election.



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